
Camera With Internal Electronic Signature

With the digitization of photography, the risks of image manipulation increase and thus the obligation to prove originality is decisive. With the camera-internal signature function, Kappa claims to have responded quickly to the need of reliable, tamper-proof image data.

Gleichen, Germany - With the digitization of photography, the risks of image manipulation increase and thus the obligation to prove originality is decisive. With the camera-internal signature function, Kappa claims to have responded quickly to the need of reliable, tamper-proof image data. The new 12 bit digital camera series DX 4/40 S with megapixel resolution is said to provide a special camera-internal function to sign images together with additional data (e.g., measuring values, QA data, serial number) with an electronic signature. Method and implementation of the signature creation comply with the BSI recommendations (Federal Office for Information Security, Germany). The camera series is qualified for a wide range of applications, especially in the area of traffic engineering, forensic applications, industrial QA laboratories and pharmaceutical applications. The camera technology as a component of a complete traffic control system is on the brink of PTB approval (official metrological approval).

SOURCE: Kappa opto-electronics GmbH