Company Profile | January 1, 1996

real-time java, virtual PC, emulation technology, dynamic compilation, embedded software, telecommunications

Source: Insignia Solutions Inc.

Insignia Solutions® is the leading provider of accelerated Java™ technologies for information appliances. The Jeode™ platform is Insignia's accelerated software implementation of the PersonalJava™ and EmbeddedJava™ specifications tailored for information appliances. At the core of the Jeode platform is the first independently-developed "Sun Authorized Virtual Machine," the Jeode Embedded Virtual Machine™ EVM™ , an accelerated runtime engine that delivers an optimal balance of performance and responsiveness for constrained memory environments. Using a proprietary technique called dynamic adaptive compilation, the Jeode EVM can execute Java applications on average six times faster than interpretive VMs in roughly the same amount of memory.

Key attributes include:

A full-featured software implementation compatible with Sun's PersonalJava and EmbeddedJava specifications.

Industry leading accelerated performance and efficient memory utilization.

Configurability and tunability to meet the diverse needs of information appliance developers.

A turn-key solution already ported and tested on popular RTOS/processor combinations.

World class support, training, consulting, customization and development tools.